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The 7 Chakras


First chakra: Muladhara

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine, at the height of the sacrum.
Muladhara means "root" and represents our roots, our survival instinct, the need for security, and is connected to the satisfaction of our basic needs, such as having a home, a job, getting food.
Its color is red, meaning the color of strength and pure energy.
Muladhara energy is associated with the adrenal glands, and is responsible for the health of the legs, feet, anus, rectum, large intestine, and tailbone.
The deficient energy of the first chakra could manifest itself with a feeling of insecurity, low self-confidence, apathy, excessive worry and fear of losing what gives us security and a sense of well-being.
Conversely, if the energy of this chakra is hyperactive, we run the risk of becoming excessively attached to material goods, and reluctant to give or donate something. (Or you are too rigid and hostile to change.)
It is closely connected to bones and blood and refers to the basic aspects of life, namely home, family, work, origins, safety, connection with the land of origin and with parents.
SANDAL essential oil is the one to prefer.
Positive feedback, in this sense, is also received by ginger, cardamom and sage essential oils.

Second chakra: Svadhisthana

In Sanskrit Svadhisthana means "sweet". It is the sacral chakra, and is located at the level of the genitals.
Its energy represents the sweet things in life, the ability to experience emotions such as desire, pleasure, sexuality and physical creativity.
Its color is orange: a symbol of positive emotions, success and inner harmony.
Svadhisthana energy is associated with the gonads (ovaries for women, testicles for men), and is responsible for the health of the genitals, kidneys, bladder, prostate and circulatory system.
A deficiency in the second chakra could manifest itself in a closure towards the "sensuality" of life, generating a sort of difficulty in experiencing states of joy.
Jealousy, fears, unfulfilled and obsessive desires, impotence and frigidity can be the manifestation of a lack of this energy.
When, on the other hand, the energy of this chakra is in excess, it can lead us to the obsessive search for pleasure, even and above all on a sexual level.
This energy center is associated with the water element, which makes it responsible for regulating fluids in the body. The circulation of its energy, just like water, manages to adapt to any surface, and allows us to flow with life and adapt to changes.
These are aspects related to sexuality. Hence the connection with the ovaries and the uterus is explained. Furthermore, this chakra refers to instinct, tactile sensations and those perceived through the five senses.
The essential oil suggested is that of ORANGE in its double variant, i.e. bitter or sweet.

Third chakra: Manipura

Manipura can be translated as "jewel city", and is the solar plexus chakra, located at the navel.
This chakra represents individuality and self-perception.
It is the seat of determination, willpower, personal power and self-confidence.
Its color is yellow; symbol of energy, sunlight and knowledge.
The endocrine gland associated with this chakra is the pancreas, which is responsible for digestive processes, as it regulates the functions of the stomach, liver, spleen and gallbladder.
When the solar plexus chakra is deficient, feelings related to loss of self-esteem and low self-confidence can be perceived.
On the contrary, when the energy of this chakra is in excess, one could perceive an unbridled desire for power, excessive arrogance or self-confidence, and one could recognize itself as little or not at all willing to listen to the opinion of others
It is precisely in this area of the body, also called the solar plexus, that the energy of Manipura resides, associated with the fire element and responsible for digestive functions.
It is associated with the pancreas and refers to one's personality, free to express itself in every possible and imaginable form. The essential oil combined is that of CINNAMON, or that of lemongrass.

Fourth chakra: Anahata

Anahata is the heart chakra, and represents the center of the entire chakra energy system.
Anahata connects the three lower centers, linked more to the material aspects, with the three upper chakras, more mental and spiritual, linked to intuition and thought.
The function of this energy center is to give us the ability to express pure and unconditional love.
Its color is green, a symbol of balance, compassion, harmony, love of nature, health and purification.
The endocrine gland associated with this chakra is the thymus, and this energy center regulates the activities of the lungs, heart, circulatory and respiratory systems.
The lack of energy of this chakra can manifest itself with the inability to express love, and with the refusal to receive displays of affection, or to be touched.
When the energy of this chakra is in excess, we risk of over-identifying with the pain of others, and suffering so intensely that we get to be emotionally compromised and overly dependent.
It refers to the emotional sphere which, as is known, is related to the heart. Hence, relationships in general, openness towards others, typical of a more extroverted character, or difficulties in interacting with people. For this chakra, the right essential oil is that of ROSE. The variants with bergamot and vanilla also follow.

Fifth chakra: Vishuddha

Vishuddha is the Sanskrit name of the throat chakra, and means: "pure".
This chakra is found at the height of the throat, and represents the ability to express what one has inside, communication and creativity.
Its color is blue, a symbol of truth, purity, cleanliness and tranquility.
The endocrine gland associated with this chakra is the thyroid, and this energy center regulates the activities of the throat, neck, mouth, teeth, jaw, hearing, esophagus, upper lungs, arms.
A deficiency of the fifth chakra can manifest itself in the difficulty of expressing one's ideas, blocks of creativity, excessive shyness.
When, on the contrary, the energy of this chakra is in excess, we cannot control our words, we talk too much and nonsense, without analyzing the meaning of what we say.
Its energy is associated with the ether element, and it is the first of the chakras considered "superior", those most linked to the mental aspect.
It is also linked to our communication skills. It is no coincidence that when we have difficulty expressing what we feel inside, we feel a "lump in the throat".
This chakra is associated with the thyroid gland. The ideal essential oil to best treat this point is MANDARIN.
Noteworthy alternatives are the essential oils of chamomile, myrtle and tea tree

Sixth chakra: Ajna

The sixth chakra is located in the center of the forehead; its name in Sanskrit is Ajna, it means to know, to perceive and also to command, in the sense of having command over our mind.
Ajna is also called the third eye chakra, which is, that non-physical eye that is able to perceive the deepest reality of existence.
Its functions are intuition and vision.
This is where the creative imagination, intellectual abilities, and memory are based.
Its color is indigo, a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and mysticism.
The third eye chakra is associated with the pituitary, the gland used to control the hormonal system.
The body parts associated with it are the cerebellum, nervous system, hormonal system, eyes, ears, nose, and paranasal sinuses.
When the chakra is deficient, it is difficult to trust your intuition, maintain concentration or remember things.
It can manifest itself as an excess of rationality, which determines the difficulty of seeing and imagining reality differently from how it is perceived.
When, on the contrary, its energy is in excess, it sucks the energy of the lower chakras and therefore a sense of rooting and stability is lacking.
It's about how you see the world not with your eyes, but with your inner voice. Therefore, given the connection with the pituitary gland, it is the subjective sphere that is closely connected to this chakra.
LAVENDER essential oil, therefore, is the most suitable. Marjoram and thyme essential oils are equally popular.

Seventh chakra: Sahasrara

The seventh chakra, or "Crown Chakra," is located at the top of the skull and means "a thousand times."
Its function is the spiritual link, and it is the center of spirituality and faith. (Regardless of our religious beliefs.)
It serves to connect us with our spiritual part, and therefore with the divine. It is a spirituality that transcends religion, it is rather a state of being, which goes beyond the physical world and creates a sense of wholeness in the person, giving purpose to our lives and creating a larger context in which to place our existence .
Activating this chakra implies opening to new thinking patterns, and to new and never before explored sources of wisdom and knowledge.
Its energy helps us to let go of the past, leaving behind events or traumas, and teaches us to recognize our responsibilities.
Its color is purple, traditionally associated with spiritual wealth and majesty.
The crown chakra is associated with the pineal gland, a center which, in our body, regulates the sleep-wake rhythm, hunger-thirst and body temperature, as well as stimulating the pituitary gland to produce hormones.
A lack of Sahasrara results in an impediment to the flow of energy along the path of consciousness, and manifests itself as difficulty learning and concentrating, or with a sense of closure and hostility towards new informations or points of view.
Another typical "symptom" of a deficient seventh chakra is spiritual skepticism, i.e. the belief that there is nothing behond the tangible world. That is: seeing is believing.
When its energy is in excess, it can lead to an excess of spiritual dependence, it can lead to losing touch with one's roots and emotions, because energy is subtracted from the lower chakras.
It constitutes the connection between our person and the spiritual world. Thus, the connection to the nervous system appears quite evident.
The essential oil most in line with this chakra is that of YLANG YLANG.
Secondly, basil or jasmine oils are very popular.