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In the careful selection of ZIPIEVOLUTION Perfumes, the basic importance is that of the essential oils purely created by hand in the East, with the addition of the specific ingredient relating to the Chakra.
It is premised that in addition to the studies carried out relating to the Essence / Chakra, the olfactory intuition is the one that always prevails in the first place, since the olfactory instinct is very personal. So if you are attracted to other essences, welcome them and savor them, you will surely discover some side or aspect of your person that suits you.
Why choose a ZIPIEVOLUTION Perfume?
Not knowing this product, it becomes difficult to choose from the flood of proposals that are on the market, so since I personally create them, I can only invite you to try them for the simple reason that everything is truly handmade with the intention of increasing your just listening, totally opening the senses, so as to savor more and more every moment of your existence.
All this is simply called LOVE……..perhaps the only answer to this mission we have had since we have been on this strange planet…
I wish you a happy existence, with the hope of choosing this perfume that will accompany you in every beat of your heart.....